7th Feb
The clay wall was tightly built around the resin finger to reduce wax ring’s thickness. However, the ring broke into small pieces when removed from the finger. It was too thin to be twisted around. Next time I will apply some hot wax to increase ring thickness when take it off the finger. Cardboard was pressed into clay created a positive texture. It was built around the resin finger to hold wax liquid into a ring form. The airdry clay is quite robust and it cannot take much texture as the clay use for throwing. Next time I will apply shellac to cardboard and create a plaster mode that can catch more texture and then casted it into wax.
To fix the broken wax pieces, they were stuck on the resin finger. Hot wax liquid was used to strengthen ring’s thin layer. The cardboard texture was covered by liquid wax, which is not what I want. Next time I will stick a thin layer of cardboard to the finger and place it in a circular tube create texture inside the ring .