11th Jan 2020

I decide to look at Dutch Designer Gijs Bakker who was trained as a jeweler and industrial designer. His practice sharing the same feature as mine, such as he is using a combination of geometric form with human figures in the ‘Self Portrait’ brooch. From my point of view geometric shape always appear in mass produced designs whereas the figurative head is a representation of conceptual crafty objects. This combination bridges the perfect industrial objects with conceptual meaning.

        I choose to do the pewter’s live as my external project. Their given theme is ‘roaring twenties’ my research shows that there are so many evolutionary changes happened in the 20th century like the Suffrage Homosexuality and the Expressionism and the Surrealism. I am quite interested in the idea of the Homosexuality and the LGBT movement. I decide to look at the ‘Drag Queen’ which tracing back to the late 16th and early 17th when Shakespearean theatre came with the rule that only men could tread the board so when some men has to dress like female playing the opposite sex they would drag along the floor. Nowadays drag queen become a way of expressing men’s personality and who they really are. I automatically relate drag queen’s stunning custom with the fighting fishes’ beautiful long tail. I came up with head decoration that combines the same feature of drag queen’s custom and fight fishes’ long tail.

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